So here's the idea...

So here's the idea...

This blog is the beginning of an experiment. I've been working idly on the fantasy world of Maeleff for a few months, typing on my phone during subway rides, and I think I may have the beginnings of something here. However, I'm lazy and bad at following through with things, so I'd like help.

Specifically, I'd like to turn this idea into an open world fictional universe. My friends and creative folk will be invited to peruse the information I have on the world, and to play with it. Write characters. Write stories. Add races, city-states, monsters and ancient ruins. I'd like to write stories, role play, and generally allow my friends to help me explore and create a rich, if someone forbidding, fantasy world.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Gateways, need a name...

I'm a bit ashamed to be cribbing an idea from the Eye of the World series, daft as it is, but I will admit that some bits of it inspired this thought:

Id like to have a series of permanent portals, gateways that are set up in interconnected sets of 3 or 4 all over the world, or at least the continent, offering near instantaneous travel from one to the other. They would mostly be underground, deep in labyrinths in the Dismal, and they are old relics from before the Blood.

As they are magical, and existed before the corruption, many of the portals are infected, and traveling though then would be perilous, probably impossible, for those who are not already blooded or blessed.

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