So here's the idea...

So here's the idea...

This blog is the beginning of an experiment. I've been working idly on the fantasy world of Maeleff for a few months, typing on my phone during subway rides, and I think I may have the beginnings of something here. However, I'm lazy and bad at following through with things, so I'd like help.

Specifically, I'd like to turn this idea into an open world fictional universe. My friends and creative folk will be invited to peruse the information I have on the world, and to play with it. Write characters. Write stories. Add races, city-states, monsters and ancient ruins. I'd like to write stories, role play, and generally allow my friends to help me explore and create a rich, if someone forbidding, fantasy world.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Time Line

I guess I have to decide once and for all how long it has been since the gods died.  I've been somewhat inconsistent over the course of my writing.

I've been vacillating between 1000's of years and just a few.  I think I need to sort of split the difference and make it a several hundred years, maybe between 500 and 800. I want enough time for society to rebuild in a new image, and for a lot of knowledge to be lost, but not all of it, with new technology/magic to be derived from the remnants of the old.  This also makes it long enough for archaeology to be a significant factor in the rediscovery of old knowledge and power.

So there was a bit of an apocalypse maybe 600 or so years ago. Civilization survived in isolated pockets until about 100 to 150 years ago, when isolated populations started to reconnect with each other.

That's not to say that those isolated populations had been idle all that time.  Ammadhur for example has been growing steadily for the entire period, exploring the ravaged world and starting to reconnect with whomever they could find.

There are some groups that have banded together - by choice, conquest, or whatever - into budding nations. But most of the world - or at least of this continent - remain smaller city-states, some like Ammadhur with areas around them that depend on the city for any number of things, like unofficial de facto nations.

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